‘I love the way we are taught…when I grow up I also want to be a teacher and this is helping me to realise my dream.’
Tamara Ouedraogo, aged 12, is now in the senior class at Soulyale, a bright, smiling pupil who loves school, particularly history and geography. However, without the support of a bursary Tamara’s dream of one day becoming a teacher herself would never have got off the ground.
She lives with her parents and three younger sisters not far from the school. Her family are subsistence farmers, growing millet, maize and peanuts on their small plot of land. Farming is difficult, with an extreme climate and frequent droughts meaning failed harvests and hunger are all too common. Even in better years there is rarely a large surplus crop to sell and the family are too poor to afford to send Tamara to school without help.
Thanks to the support available via the bursary scheme, the local committee have been able to help Tamara through five years of her education with books, and uniforms, as well as providing a school lunch each day and support to pay school fees.
There are many more pupils like Tamara who we would like to support. Would you be able to make a regular gift to make this possible?