In Soulyale, in the north west of Burkina Faso, classrooms are full as more families want to send their children to get an education at this highly rated rural school.
Working with the local community, we are seeking to respond by supporting a major expansion of the school.
Community leaders and staff have drawn up a plan that includes new classrooms, a kitchen and other buildings, as well as the provision of school furniture and solar panels to provide power. In addition, they aim to build three teachers houses to ensure the school continues to attract the very best staff.
The final phase includes the planting of a tree belt around the site, to improve the soil and environment and to provide shade for pupils and staff in an areas where temperatures can soar in the middle of the day. The school also wants to set up an animal husbandry project, both to provide an on-going income and to teach agriculture and business skills to the older pupils.
Thanks to a generous donation from a UK funder, work will start on the first teachers’ house in the next few weeks and we are actively seeking funding to undertake future phases of the work.
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