Thank you so much for your interest in donating to the work of Transform Burkina.
Please choose how you would like to give from the options below.
Donate online via our CAF online account
It’s easy and secure. Just click on the button below and it will take you to our CAF page.
By post
Please make cheques payable to ‘Transform Burkina’ and post them to our office at 20, York Road, Acomb, York. YO24 4LU.
UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by 25%, for free, by completing and signing a Gift Aid Declaration Form
Standing order Form
If you would like to donate regularly by standing order please download a form
Other gifts
We also welcome gifts of certain specific items that would be useful in Burkina Faso, subject to being able to cover transport and shipping costs. Please contact us using the form below to find out more. Thank you.
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See our PRIVACY POLICY for how we will use your data.