How much for a safe, accessible supply of water for your family?
For many communities in Burkina Faso, nearly 50% of the country’s 18 million people in fact, finding clean water for their families is a daily struggle; one that can take many hours each day as villagers walk to often distant water sources, particularly in the dry season. The water they rely on can also often be unclean, leading to an increased incidence of disease, particularly amongst children.
Over the last two years we have funded the drilling of five new wells, such as that pictured. As a result, some 14,000 people now have a water supply they can rely on, but we want to do so much more.
We are therefore launching a major new project that will not only provide many thousands more people with clean, accessible water supplies, but will also address issues around hygiene, sanitation and the sometimes competing needs for water from farmers and herders.
Burkinabes have a saying, ‘water is life’. It costs, on average, just £10 to provide life giving water to another individual in Burkina Faso, Can you help by making a donation today?