Thanks to the generous support of individuals and trusts in the UK, we have been able to support at least 25 students like Tamara (pictured) through their schooling each year, through our bursary scheme.
However, we know that there are many more that need our help and so, over the last few months, we have been looking at developing the scheme, with a view to at least doubling the number of students in Burkina Faso we are able to support.
Changes have included the introduction of more detailed reporting on individual student progress and linking new bursary supporters to an individual child in Burkina Faso, with whom we will encourage two way correspondence..
We are so grateful to those who are already supporting this scheme and can reassure them that their support will continue to be used to support students as before unless they wish to change to the new scheme. However, we hope that more people will consider supporting a child’s education through this scheme and more details, including how to get involved can be found here.