Ruth Gumbiou sits attentively in class, an exercise book open on the desk in front of her.
A normal scene in any school, except this is not an ordinary school, and Ruth is no ordinary pupil.
Ratyiri, in northern Burkina Faso is reached down a dusty 5km track from the main road and the school, supported by our local partner, consists of two classrooms and a thatched lean-to that accommodates the overspill class. Pupil numbers are rising fast and we are committed to continue supporting the local staff as they offer an education to those who may otherwise struggle to get to any school.
As well as helping to build more classrooms, provide equipment and support the salaries of the teachers, we offer a bursary scheme for students, like Ruth, who would not otherwise be able to afford to go to school. We do not sponsor individuals, but rather allow the local bursary committees the freedom to use money wherever it will be most effective in helping a child to go to school.
For Ruth’s family, support came in the form, of a gift of a sheep, enabling the family to earn an income to pay the small school fees. Then, when heavy rains damaged their house, further support was offered to help to rebuild it.
If you would like to support more children like Ruth, please consider making a regular gift to our work. On average it costs £18 per montb to allow a child to go to school. To find out more about our work in education, click here